Partner Richard Roberts was honored as one of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM)’s “Municipal Champions” for 2020 at the statewide convention last week. Rich was recognized for his extensive work on a wide range of Executive Orders from the Governor that impacted local governments since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
“CCM’s 2020 Municipal Champions showed outstanding service and commitment to Connecticut towns and cities,” said Joe DeLong, CCM Executive Director and CEO. “They put in countless hours on the complex issues related to over 80 Executive Orders from the Governor and worked tirelessly behind the scenes with CCM and our member municipal leaders over the last 10 months.”
Rich represents municipalities in the full range of legal needs. He provides legal counsel to towns on real estate acquisitions and sales, land use, charter revisions, drafting and review of ordinances, FOIA, elections, and property tax issues. With more than three decades of experience, his in-depth knowledge of municipal, land use, and business law prepare him to address any matter effectively and efficiently.