Insurance companies typically conclude disclaimer letters by inviting their insureds to submit additional information which might have a bearing on the coverage issues and the reasons for the disclaimer. Effective January 1, 2004, however, companies writing “personal risk insurance” in Connecticut can no longer simply conclude their denial letters with such language. “Personal risk insurance” […]
Halloran & Sage Partner Duncan Forsyth spoke at a seminar sponsored by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities discussing the “Rules to Govern By,” Freedom of Information Act, ethics, and parliamentary procedures. The workshop gave advice on setting goals, policy development, building consensus, municipal finance, local legislature issues, CEO relations, constituent relations, and news media relations and websites. […]
The plaintiff's decedent was killed in an automobile accident caused by a psychiatric patient who fell asleep at the wheel. The plaintiff alleged that the medication prescribed to the patient caused her to fall asleep. The Connecticut Appellate Court held that a psychiatrist owes no duty of care to the public to warn a patient […]
A workshop presented by Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Halloran & Sage Partner Duncan Forsyth participated in an evening seminar sponsored by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities discussing the role of ethics in local government, tools for promoting ethical behavior in a municipality, model codes of ethics and to in the State of the Ethics Commission, in […]
In mid-October, the Connecticut Tech Tribune invited several leading Intellectual Property attorneys to a panel discussion on legal issues affecting Connecticut’s technology firms. Halloran & Sage Commercial Litigation Partner Joseph G. Fortner, Jr.. participated in the two-hour roundtable discussion and an article featuring the highlights of the discussion appeared in the November, 2003 Connecticut Tech […]
A program designed for CONNACCA, the Connecticut Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel Designed for: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 affected corporate counsel in both private and public companies, corporate directors and officers of large privately held and public companies, and banking and loan officers. People concerned about the effects of these laws on them and […]
Connecticut Legislation On Renewable Energy Resources Public Act 03-135, which amends Connecticut's Electric Restructuring Law, may result in significant benefits to owners of certain facilities that generate electricity from renewable energy sources. By way of background, Connecticut's Electric Restructuring Law (enacted in 1998 as P.A. 98-28) designated certain generators of electricity utilizing renewable energy sources […]
Several national experts will testify on behalf of South Lyme Property Owners’ claim that the Town of Old Lyme seasonal restriction does not benefit the environment. A trial date has not yet been scheduled, but may occur later this year. Mark Gross, Ph.D., P.E., a Professor at the University of Arkansas, Department of Engineering and […]