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April 29, 2021
Mind Your Mediation: How DEI Complements Mediation

By Hon. Angela C. Robinson

April is “Celebrate Diversity Month”. (I know, I know – there is a month for everything now!)

Some may wonder what diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work has to do with mediation or other negotiated forms of settlement. Though the connection seems obvious to me, I realize that it is not always clear.

The reality is that DEI, when applied correctly, allows everyone to appreciate, or at least be aware of diverse cultures, backgrounds and life choices. That actually benefits everyone. Properly implemented DEI drives productivity, increases morale and improves performance. DEI work requires the active involvement of all stakeholders, who follow a facilitated process that is uniquely created for them, and guided by a neutral – a more objective, third party.

That is an analogous process to the one traditionally used in mediations or facilitated negotiations. Like a Neutral or Mediator, a skilled DEI expert must do many things, well, simultaneously. They must establish their bona fides fast and persuade people to trust them. They must help the stakeholders create a “safe space” in which people can let their guard down in order to negotiate. They must focus on and prioritize the goals of the participants, rather than their own.

Successful mediations operate in the same kind of space as the one created by an effective DEI program. Both venues allow everyone’s voice to be heard. Both spaces value all individuals, despite and sometimes because of, their differences. Both mediations and effective DEI efforts correct power imbalances in order to lay equitable foundations for all. And, ultimately, both mediation and DEI resolve conflict.

Understanding and applying DEI principles makes for a better, more effective mediation. So, as we end this month, when we “Celebrate Diversity”, let us celebrate what DEI work can bring to the mediation realm – another, really good tool for conflict resolution!

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Hon. Angela C. Robinson
Alternative Dispute Resolution