Halloran & Sage attorney Duncan Forsyth designed a presentation that addressed common areas of exposure to liability, both as individuals and as Firms, and Errors and Omissions Insurance Policies as they pertained to Environmental Professionals. This presentation furnished attendees with the tools that helped identify and prevent malpractice claims. During this presentation attendees:
Discussed what environmental professionals are asked to do by their clients which could expose them to liability;
Reviewed problems with the LEP program and site evaluation and auditing exercises;
Explored the “trip wires” inherent in environmental work;
Examined what existing insurance policies can and can not do for you;
Gained an understanding of what is generally contained in a typical errors and omissions policy for environmental consultants; and
Learned what items are typically included or excluded in your coverage.
For more information on this presentation or similar contact Attorney Forsyth at forsyth@halloransage.com.